I often have this discussion with artists and thought it would be interesting to collate some responses…
“I don’t need a website, I do Instagram/Facebook/TikTok”
Carry on with social media, it is a fantastic tool in your artist’s toolbox, but you really need a website as well. Your website is like your own “gallery”. You can decide how the world will experience your work. You get to make the decisions about the look, what work you show, how much and how little. You have control over changing what you show and when. You can decide how much you share about your art practice and how you want to direct people around your virtual space.
Your website is one of the ways that you present yourself to the world. It is an expression of you as an artist and it tells the world that you believe in your work. You don’t have to be a “professional” artist to have a website, if you work hard at what you do, if you are interested in what you do if it’s a passion of yours then why not see your hard work in its best light – and let others share it as well.
“I don’t need to bother with a website I leave that sort of thing up to the galleries I show with”
Your galleries should be over the moon if you have a good website. First, it tells them that you take your work as seriously as they do, you are a professional artist. Secondly if you have good links to your work from your website to their website then everyone will be happy, you are adding an extra string to their bow i.e. more advertising. You should be as passionate about your work as you expect your galleries to be about promoting (and selling) your work.
“I can’t do all that technical stuff”
You don’t have to be technical to have an Artlook website, our system is fully integrated with your catalogue of work. You decide what is on your website, you make the decision about whether you want to have a Buy Now’ button or not. You can change what you show, daily if you wish. Updating is no longer a problem, it is all in your hands. We provide online and telephone support to get you going and we are always available to help if you get stuck.
“I don’t have the money to have a website”
Artlook starts at only £5 per month, that is based on paying annually and think about it…that is a little over £1 per week, ( it is honestly less than that one cup of coffee!) For that, you have your Artlook catalogue of your work, from which your website is built – and each Artlook account comes with its own website address (eg web.artlookonline/yourname). Beautiful highly designed templates that you can use for your website. An inventory of your contacts and for those that need it the ability to create consignment forms, invoices, reports and even wall labels and printed catalogues. And when you’re ready to really get your website out there you can link it to your own domain name for small additional annual charge.
If you haven’t done it yet make Spring 2022 the time that you start, we even give you a totally free 30 days to try it out, really…what’s stopping you?

- 20 Reasons Why You Need a Website - May 2023
- Plein Air Painting, Pros and Cons and how Artlook can help. - May 2023
- Taking and Using Pictures of your Artwork - May 2022
- Do I Need a Web Site? - March 2022
- Artlook Spotlight Rebecca Styles - February 2022
- Artlook Spotlight: Sheila Fowler - January 2022
- Beating the January Blues - January 2022
- What is Artlook. - August 2020
- Making Social Media work for You. - April 2020
- Ideas for keeping your Art Business healthy during a pandemic. - March 2020