Having an Artlook Inventory and website system enables an artist to live where they need to live and remain connected to the wider world for their artwork promotion and sales. Keeping track of your artwork, your inventory, your clients is easy with our system and having a vibrant, contemporary and well managed website is all within your paint-stained hands.
Artist of the elements, lover of the untamed landscape, Rebecca Styles works from her home studio on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. She finds not just inspiration for her powerful paintings but the pigments to make her materials as well.
On her Artlook website www.rebeccastyles.co.uk she has a very interesting blog documenting her travels across the islands, her use of sketchbooks and plein air painting and fascinating descriptions of making both oil and watercolour paint from the earth pigments that she collects from various locations on her trips. These are then transformed into useable pigments to create the paint. As she says, “I can paint the landscape with the landscape.”
Her work reminds me of flinging the windows open in the middle of a dramatic storm. The presence of the sea, the sky and the wind makes itself felt, leaping from the canvas with powerful gestural mark making.
Beautifully rendered skies with inky dark clouds, shafts of light breaking through. Sometimes the application of the oil paint takes on the ephemeral quality of a watercolour, other times the texture of the landscape appears to be embedded in the paint itself.
She says: ‘My art practice has evolved to become a love letter to both myself and my surroundings.’
Constantly adapting and evolving, the landscape endlessly braves the onslaught. Surviving and sustaining in order to renew. Nothing wasted, just re-invented.”
The delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, inspires her working. Rebecca’s engagement with paint is born of an emotional response to a situation, a memory, a place or time. She chooses to represent this by placing us as viewers within the wilderness of the natural landscape.
Rebecca Styles makes great use of Artlook to run a successful art career in the middle of nowhere. I am working out a very good reason to go and visit, to provide some Artlook customer contact, I want to see that landscape but most of all I want to see those elemental paintings in the place that they were painted!
You can see them here :
Instagram Profile @rebeccastylesart facebook : Rebecca Styles Artist.
“Finding Lewis “ solo exhibition Talla Na Mara , Harris , Western Isles 1st Nov – 28th Feb 2022
“Bigger than us “ Grinneabhat , Bragar , Isle of lewis 4th March – 30th April 2022
And a final word from Rebecca about Artlook:
“I just wanted to say thanks for thinking so carefully about what functions to include in your web packages . I am totally loving the light box function, I have an exhibition coming up and am using the light box to preview the work, it looks amazing so thank you for doing such a great job. I think you might be the best artist’s website provider available – and you always help when need – brilliant”
…. and of course we are always delighted to hear that we are making a difference! If we can help you in your work just get in touch, you can read all about us on our website here https://www.artlooksoftware.com/artists

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- Plein Air Painting, Pros and Cons and how Artlook can help. - May 2023
- Taking and Using Pictures of your Artwork - May 2022
- Do I Need a Web Site? - March 2022
- Artlook Spotlight Rebecca Styles - February 2022
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